Dona (English)

Generation starts 2018 by expanding into three new countries with more to come

We are now in Hong Kong, Pakistan, and the United Kingdom, building on the great work Generation has already been doing in our original five countries—India, Kenya, Mexico, Spain and the United States.

The Hong Kong program is actively recruiting for our first Generation classes in customer service, focused on hospitality and property management. Classes will begin in March. In addition, we’ll soon be launching digital and social media marketing class as well.

In the United Kingdom, Generation is in the process of applying for charitable status, and upon approval will join the global Generation community. In the meantime, we are actively seeking partner organizations—employers, implementers, and funders—so we can hit the ground running with the time comes, with a planned first program focused on digital skills.

Earlier this month, we signed an agreement with the Punjab Skills Development Fund (PSDF) to bring Generation to Pakistan. The partnership would launch in Lahore, potentially expanding to additional locations in the future, to reach 2,500 young adults with the Generation program in this pilot phase. The organizations are currently evaluating which sectors and professions they will offer to start, but they may include garment industry, healthcare, customer service, and digital jobs.

This momentum only promises to grow as we expect to launch another three to five additional Generation countries this year. More to come soon!