Dona (English)

India – June 2016 update

Generation India now has programs in Delhi and Hyderabad, focused on healthcare, training young people for roles as general duty assistants (GDAs), a role that is much like the certified nursing assistant (CNA) role that Generation USA students can choose. In addition, we will soon be expanding to offer training focused on hospitality.

There are more than 350 students enrolled, and more than 170 graduated. Early results continue to be positive. We have a job placement rate of 91%+ so far this year. Supervising nurses say Generation graduates working as GDAs perform better than their peers on a number of dimensions: 92% say Generation GDAs provide better or on par patient care, 96% of them say the same about Generation GDAs’ proactiveness, and 100% say it about their professionalism. Our graduates are also staying in the job longer than their non-Generation counterparts. Retention in first month of the job is now at more than 98% — well above the industry average of 70-80%.

Employers have been pleased with these results. In fact, new employers are signing up to pay ~30% of the recruiting and training costs. And 100% of our employers are willing to rehire Generation graduates!

Find out more about our India program