Dona (English)

Bishal | India

Lacking the money or connections to find a good job

Bishal had struggled to get a foothold in the job market—or to find a training program that could help him do so. He had worked part-time in his aunt’s photocopy shop and enrolled in a computer course and a correspondence degree. “I was in need of a job to help my family financially,” he says. In India, the unemployment ratio is high. Only if you have money and the right connections can you get a good job, but I didn’t have that background.” Bishal joined Generation to find a more stable career path that would enable him to earn a steady salary.

New skills to kick-start my career

During Generation, Bishal acquired the skills to be successful as a GDA in a fast-paced hospital environment. “Generation gave me assurance and confidence. We learned things like English skills, employability and behavioral skills, how we should talk to others, and many other things which are important for life.” Soon after graduating, Bishal got a job at Max Smart Super Specialty Hospital in Delhi. He was immediately recognized for his performance, and was quickly promoted to Ward Secretary, a role in which he both assists patients and helps to prepare medical reports. In 2017 he was proud to be awarded Best Ward Secretary of the year.

Better quality of life, brighter prospects

Bishal now makes more than double the salary he had expected to earn as an entry-level staff member, and he uses that income to help his family improve their quality of life. He is also planning ahead for his own future. He sees many potential pathways to advance his career. As he says, “I might want to enroll in another course to become a lab or vision technician, or to provide diabetes care.

Generation recognized my hidden talent

When Bishal thinks about the early success of his new career, he credits both his own hard work and the important role of Generation: “The responsibility given to me is due to my positive behaviors and the skills I got from Generation.” The program provided the springboard for Bishal to create his own successful path in healthcare. “Generation…recognized the hidden talent in me that I couldn’t see myself,” he says. “I will be grateful to them all my life.”